about our company
Driven by the Challenges.
Inspired by the Potential.
Recombinetics is a privately-held BioVenture company focused on solving some of the world’s most intractable challenges through gene editing.
through our ventures, we are:
- Transforming the world across agricultural markets by developing and deploying safe and effective tools for these applications.
- Using groundbreaking technology to improve and accelerate preclinical testing, making safer, more effective therapies.
- Spearheading the improvement of patient outcomes in the field of organ transplantations and regenerative medicine.

our story
From Innovator to Leader
Founded in 2008, Recombinetics focused its early-stage development on the application of precision genetic technologies in animals and active patent filings.
Today, Recombinetics is widely recognized as the leader in livestock gene-editing and associated applied technologies for biomedical research, regenerative medicine, and animal agriculture.
We have a rich history as innovators and early adopters of molecular tools and methods for animal gene editing enhanced by incorporation of artificial intelligence. When paired with our experienced teams focused on bioinformatics, cell engineering, stem cell biology, and preclinical research, we’re able to add value to livestock and make pivotal changes in human health and longevity.
Recombinetics’ ever-expanding pipeline of gene-edited animals, products, and preclinical services, position the company for rapid growth in biomedical and food animal markets
a company of firsts
As leaders in the gene editing space, our global patent portfolio has grown to include potent gene editing methods and compositions with broad coverage for non-human species.
peer-reviewed science
Our scientific findings are often published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and often cited by other scientists in their published research. Our Scientist are highly published and have been involved in over 74 publications, while employed at Recombinetics. See the link below for some of our highlights.